The above image depicts the main entrance of the South train station.

Future Trends

Any infrastructure planned today must serve the needs of future riders. The Focus40 process must consider the world within which the MBTA will operate in 2040.

As part of Focus40, we explored emerging trends and discussed their potential impacts on the MBTA with stakeholders at the Focus40 Kickoff event in May and the Open House in October. Click through the images below to see a sampling of the future trend boards used at these events.

Mobility Trends

Will More Options Impact Ridership?

Will More Options Impact Ridership?


Climate Change Trends

Sea Level Rise- Back To The Future?

Sea Level Rise- Back To The Future?

What Does It Mean For The MBTA?

What Does It Mean For The MBTA?

What Does It Mean For The Region?

What Does It Mean For The Region?


Demographic Trends

How Will The MBTA Serve A Growing Urban Core?

How Will The MBTA Serve A Growing Urban Core?

Will Lower-Income Populations Have Less Access To Transit?

Will Lower-Income Populations Have Less Access To Transit?

How Will Transit Needs Change As We Age?

How Will Transit Needs Change As We Age?


Technology Trends

The answer to all of our problems?


2040 Trends

These Trends were exhibited at our Open House event in October and used to create the Future Scenarios below.

These Trends were exhibited at our Open House event in October and used to create the Future Scenarios below.


Future Scenarios

While we can make educated guesses about the future – and actively work to influence certain mechanisms for change – we can never be certain about what the future may hold. The speed and adoption of technology, the impact of climate change, municipal land use policies, and changing preferences are largely out of the MBTA’s control. To better plan for 2040, we want to look at multiple potential scenarios. The best investment ideas would be those that better meet our goals across multiple scenarios.

Click through the images below to view the future scenario boards used at our public event in October.

Future Scenarios Summary


Future Scenario A: Economic Polarization & Segregation


Future Scenario B: Collective Prosperity


Future Scenario C: Increased Individualism / Dispersal